Duplicate File Eraser is a tool for finding duplicate files. The application can look into your system and find files that are duplicates. It doesn't just look at file names to find duplicates. It also looks at file sizes and MD5 information to find files that are identical. When it finds those files you can delete them from within the application.
With this type of applications, you need good filtering options. Duplicate File Eraser has quite a few of those. The first thing that you might want to do is check the box that says "search subdirectories" if you want to make sure the search is thorough. Other than that, there are two other boxes to enable search for hidden files and system files. You can additionally tell the app to only look for certain file types by typing in the files' extensions. You can also limit the size of the files you want to find.
In my testing, the first thing that I did was caring out a complete search of my C: drive. It took a little bit, and the application became unresponsive at times. But it finished the search and showed all the files. In the results tab, I clicked the "delete files but keep one" options and attempted to delete them. Apparently there were too many results and the application suddenly crashed. After that I tried a more controlled search in a single folder with only two files, and the app didn't crash. So maybe it doesn't get on with lots of files.